Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX XR Cable Stripper Cordless Kit (DCE151TD1) [23251720]

Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX XR Cable Stripper Cordless Kit (DCE151TD1) [23251720]

販売価格: 63,700(税込)

在庫数 10枚


Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX XR Cable Stripper Cordless Kit (DCE151TD1)
Dewalt 20V Max XRケーブルストリッパー、コードレスキット(DCE151TD1)
【カテゴリー】Wire Strippers(ワイヤーストリッパー) : DEWALT
・Depth gauge of the heavy duty cable cutter consistently strips cable up to 4 inches in diameter
・Strip #6 - 750 MCM Cu/Al Electrical Cable Cutter
・The wire stripping tool featuring quick-release bushings allows you to quickly change bushings for each cable size
・Variable speed trigger with reverse for speed control
・Adjustable onboard LED light helps to provide illumination in dark or low light situations
・Kit box comes with convenient storage for tool bushings battery and charger
・E-Clutch system helps the user maintain control of the tool if it becomes jammed.
・Using appropriate bushing cable stripper works on both (THHN/XHHW) copper and aluminum cable covering a range in size from 6 AWG to 750 MCM CU and 900 MCM AL

Dewalt デウォルト 20V MAX XR Cable Stripper Cordless Kit (DCE151TD1)

